John Lundy was my English teacher for 4 years ago. He is the most professional teacher I ever had during over 10 years of English lessons.
John understands perfectly to improve the feeling and understanding of the English language of non-native speakers. He is very creative and is always able to provide diversified lessons on an absolute high level. The content of the lessons always fits completely to the need of the student, and John pulls out all the stops he has available like music, grammar sheets, TV, news paper. My personal highlight was a 1 week professional training with John. My English makes a real jump of improvement. Every lesson was a personal gain and I absolute appreciated his kind sense of humor and his ability in always finding the right words to help his student to improve. John is a very sensitive and kind person and I ́m quite happy, that he was my English teacher.
The 1:1 trainings with John is almost 5 years ago and I am still think it was one of my best trainings I have taken inside the company. John was able to raise my confidence in talking and writing in my business world. I learned a lot and one reason is for sure his fresh and open mind-set. His training was specific focus on my strengths and weaknesses. I had to leave the comfort zone. I truly can recommend John to people who want to change the normal behaviours or habits and take a look from a different angle to raise their skills.
Imagine you don ́t feel comfortable speaking english...
Imagine you are not sure of english grammar...
Imagine and not – English trainings by John is always a gain and you get what you want!
Johns Unterricht war immer gut vorbereitet und interessant. Er hat das möglichste aus herausgeholt und mein Englisch extrem schnell verbessert. Die Übungen waren in der Praxis sehr hilfreich so dass ich alle beruflichen Herausforderungen in Englisch meistern konnte. Hoffe dass ich mal wieder Gelegenheit zu einer unterhaltsamen Englischstunde mit Ihm haben werde.
Thank you for your help and support.
Dear John, thank you for all your hard work and patience with us. Good luck for the future and all the best.
Dear John,
Thank you for very good English lessons and for the security you give me during I spoke English. And wiser l can still use this experience and knowledge for long time.
At the beginning l thought ‘Oh God, what kind of teacher is this’ but now l realise that l will miss you – like all the others too. Your lessons were just terrific and l can only thank you.
John hat uns als Englisch Trainer großartig unterstützt unser eingerostetes "Schulenglisch" auf ein vernünftiges Business-Niveau zu heben! Trotz langen Arbeitstagen davor, hat der Unterricht in den Abendstunden immer viel Spaß gemacht. Ob lockerer Smalltalk, souveränes Präsentieren oder sicheres Verhandeln in englischer Sprache, dank John können wir sagen: "Yes, we can!"
John was my English teacher.
My English was quite miserable.
The classes were held in English, very good understandable and interesting. He managed to get me to a very good level to pass my bilingual secretary exam. Thank you very much John for your patience.
Dear John, you are a very good teacher. I’ve learned a lot and l hope l need it in my new job.
John was always extremly well prepared. He chose the topics for the lessons in line with my current professional topics. I felt very much supported by him and improved my English very fast.
Wir hatten mit John Duo-Unterricht zur Vorbereitung auf den IELTS Test.
Er hat unser doch sehr eingerostetes Schulenglisch in kürzester Zeit soweit verbessert, dass wir beide den Test als „Competent User“ bestanden haben. Es war mit Abstand der beste und effektivste Englisch-Unterricht, den wir je hatten und wir hatten einige andere Formen des Englisch Lernens versucht. Dies war aber nicht wirklich von Erfolg gekrönt. John gestaltete den Unterricht sehr interessant und abwechslungsreich mit den verschiedensten Themen und nicht nur einfach nach Lehrbüchern. Der Unterricht war auf unsere Bedürfnisse und Schwächen abgestimmt, so dass John das Bestmöglichste aus uns herausgeholt hat. Jetzt können wir das Erlernte in unseren Jobs sowie im Privaten erfolgreich nutzen und weiter ausbauen, da John eine sehr gute Basis geschaffen hat.